Are you considering teeth implants in Bali? If so, you’re certainly not alone. It’s well documented that more than 15,000 Australians travel overseas for complex dental treatments each year to countries including Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

Given that the average price of a dental implant in Australia ranges between $3,000 to $7,000 for a single tooth, it’s only natural to feel worried about the cost, particularly if you need several dental implants. Bali certainly seems a great place to visit with its sun-drenched shores and glistening turquoise water; and with dental implants in Bali advertised at prices as low as $1700 or less, having dental treatment abroad seems like a solid option. 

But wait … 

Choosing to undergo any dental implant procedure based solely on price alone is a decision you may come to regret and one that could put you and your health at risk. 


Here are 3 things to consider before committing to teeth implants in Bali


Level of experience 

Dental Implants Sydney

When you’re sitting in the dentist’s chair at DDSS/DDII there’s never a niggle at the back of your mind that your dentist may not be fully qualified. Here in Australia, dentists must be registered with APHRA before they can practice and it’s easy to look online to check that this is indeed the case. 

However, when you’re jetting off to Indonesia to undergo dental implants in Bali, do you have the same reassurance? How do you know that the dentist treating you has the same level of experience as the dentists here at DDSS/DDII? 

If your mind is set on visiting Bali to get dental implants then make sure you carry out as much research as you can about your dentist’s credentials and the dental clinic before you leave home. It may be that your dentist has attended a weekend course on dental implants but may never have placed one. Now is not the time for you to become a guinea pig for an inexperienced dentist. 


The dental implant procedure takes time 

When you’re heading to Bali to take advantage of what seems to be a real ‘bargain’ there’s much more to consider than just the cost of a discounted dental implant. You’ll need to take time away from work (most likely your 2 weeks annual leave), pay for flights, accommodation, food, and possible additional costs. You also need to bear in mind that getting teeth implants in Bali may require more than one visit to the dental clinic. Find out more

You’re probably aware that the dental implant procedure consists of multiple stages carried out over several months.

Firstly the titanium dental implant post has to be implanted into the jaw bone at the site of your missing tooth. Then, once healing has taken place, the restoration has to be completed with the addition of a dental crown.

Healing can take between 6 to 9 months depending on how fast your body heals.


Then, of course, your dental implants dentist in Bali may discover that you don’t have sufficient bone in your jaw. Like natural teeth, dental implants rely on the bone for support and if this is lacking, then a bone graft may be needed to supplement the bone. This will incur additional costs (remember we spoke about that earlier) and extra waiting time for your mouth to heal. 

Depending on the complexities of your case, you may have to factor in additional flight and accommodation costs since you can’t just hang around in Bali for six months or longer. Then again, there’s a risk that your Bali dentist may rush you through the dental implant procedure to fit in with your holiday schedule and this could be problematic. Not only could it put your oral health at risk but it’s likely to cause your dental implant to fail. 


What if something goes wrong?

While dental implants have a success rate of around 95% who’s to say that you won’t fall into the remaining 5% category? 

Let’s say your dental implants were placed successfully in Bali but things went wrong once you had returned home. How are you going to resolve the problem? Unless you work for yourself, most people can’t just hop on a plane to Bali at a moment’s notice and even if you can, there’s still the cost to consider. 

Health insurance in Australia doesn’t cover dental implant surgery overseas and in the event of botched surgery or malpractice, it’s highly unlikely that your insurance company offers any legal protection.

As a result, you could find yourself needing corrective surgery on your return back home and this will quickly use up any savings you may have made by having teeth implants in Bali. What’s more, it could end up costing more than if you had stayed at home for dental implant treatment


The bottom line 

While saving money on implants in Bali sounds appealing it isn’t worth risking your dental or overall health. Having your implants placed by DDII/DDSS give you access to highly trained doctors, sterile conditions, high-quality implants and the latest digital implant technology. We also provide a variety of payment methods and finance plans to help make your treatment more affordable. 

Why not book a consultation with our experienced dentists and take the first step towards a first-class implant experience. We offer peace of mind by supporting  patients throughout the dental implant procedure combined with regular follow-up checks to ensure that your implant remains healthy. Call us today for a consultation.

Sydney: (02) 8294 5812
Gosford: (02) 8294 8656


Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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