If you’re considering dental implants, one of your top questions may be, “Do dental implants hurt?” It’s a valid concern and something that many people worry about when considering this type of treatment. The truth is dental implants are safe and effective, and the discomfort associated with them is minimal. Here’s what to know about the pain associated with dental implants so that you can make an informed decision. 


Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implant surgery typically takes place over several months and involves multiple steps. The first step is an evaluation by the dentist, who will assess a patient’s mouth and jawbone to make sure they are a good candidate for the procedure. Next, the dentist will place the dental implant post into the jawbone, which functions as a foundation for the new tooth or bridge. This post is then left to heal and bond with the patient’s bone for about three months before the next step can begin. 

tooth implant procedure sydneyThe next step involves creating an impression of the patient’s mouth so that custom abutments—pieces that connect the implant to the crown or bridge—can be made. This impression will also be used as a model from which to create the permanent restoration (crowns or bridges).

Once these are complete, they will be attached to the abutment, which has already been secured onto the implant post. After this step is complete, the patient should notice little difference between how regular teeth feel compared with how implants feel within a few days after placement.  


Pain During the Procedure 

In most cases, patients won’t feel any dental implant pain during the actual procedure itself. This is because dental implants are typically done under local anaesthesia or sedation. Before the procedure begins, your dentist will apply a local anaesthetic to numb the area being worked on, so you won’t feel anything during the process. In some cases, your dentist might also offer light sedation in order to help you relax and stay comfortable throughout the entire procedure. 


What Can I Expect During Recovery? 

The amount of pain experienced during recovery is different for everyone; however, most patients experience minimal discomfort or no pain at all. If you do experience some degree of discomfort in your gums or jaw area, it should be manageable with over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Your dentist may also prescribe stronger medications if needed. Swelling in the treatment area is common but should subside within a few days after the procedure. In addition to physical discomfort, you may also experience some emotional distress due to not being able to eat normally or having difficulty speaking clearly due to swelling in your mouth. 



During the recovery period, your dentist will give you instructions on how to take care of your mouth. This includes rinsing with salt water, avoiding certain foods and drinks for a few days, taking over-the-counter medications for pain, and avoiding strenuous activity. How much aftercare is required will depend on the individual patient and the extent of their procedure, but it typically only lasts up to two weeks. Most patients return to their normal activities within seven days after receiving dental implants. Regular visits with your dentist are also recommended every 6 months in order to check on the condition of both your implant and surrounding gum tissue.  


What Are The Long-Term Benefits Of A Dental Implant?

The long-term benefits of dental implants are numerous; they provide a secure anchor for replacement teeth that look and feel natural while preventing any shifting or slipping that could occur with other types of treatments, such as dentures or bridges.

Furthermore, dental implants can improve speech because they don’t interfere with how air passes through your mouth when speaking or eating; they also allow you to eat more easily than traditional dentures because they’re securely anchored into place without sliding around in your mouth, like dentures can sometimes do.

Notably, dental implants can prevent the bone loss commonly seen in missing teeth and maintain facial structure. This ultimately results in fewer wrinkles by providing proper support to cheeks and lips!


Who Is a Candidate for Dental Implants?



Candidates Must Have Good Oral Health 

The most successful dental implant candidates have healthy gums and adequate bone structure in their jaw to support the dental implant. This means that if you have gum disease or other problems with your oral health, you may need to wait until those issues have been addressed before you can get a dental implant. If your dentist determines that you do not have sufficient bone mass in your jawbone, they may suggest alternative solutions, such as bone grafting, before moving forward with an implant. 


Candidates Need Dedication To Oral Hygiene 

In order for an implant to be successful, it must be carefully cared for after it has been placed in the mouth. This includes brushing and flossing two times every day and visiting the dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings. If you are unable or unwilling to commit to maintaining good oral hygiene practices, then dental implants may not be right for you. 


tooth implant surgery sydneyPatients Must Be In Good General Health 

Finally, it is important that all patients considering dental implants be in good general health before having surgery. Patients with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, may need special consideration prior to undergoing any surgical procedure related to their oral health care needs. Your dentist will work with your physician to ensure that all conditions are being managed properly before recommending any type of treatment plan involving surgery or invasive procedures like dental implants.  


Reclaim Your Smile With Implants From DDSS

The skilled dentists at DDSS specialise in dental implants, and they are the perfect solution for all your dental implant needs. Our team is experienced and knowledgeable, and patients can expect a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere during their visit. At DDSS, we use the highest quality materials to ensure the implant looks, functions, and feels just like a natural tooth.

With our advanced equipment and state-of-the-art technology, you’re sure to get the most successful results with full mouth restoration. And best of all? Our treatments are affordable and customised to each individual’s unique needs. So don’t delay – get your dental implants done safely and securely by scheduling your appointment at DDSS today! 

Sydney CBD: (02) 8294 5812
Gosford: (02) 8294 8656
Eastwood: (02) 9299 8842
Tugerrah: (02) 8207 3164



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.





Dental implant surgery

Dental Implants



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