When considering options to replace missing teeth, deciding on a dental implant vs dentures is when many patients find themselves at a crossroads. Dental implants are the most realistic option but need multiple surgeries and procedures over many months. Dentures can replace missing teeth and look more realistic today than ever, but they don’t last as long and don’t function like natural teeth the same way a dental implant does.

Because dental implants vs dentures is not an ‘apple for apple’ comparison, you can read more about the pros and cons of both below. 


Dental implants: The pros! 

Dental implants look and function like natural teeth. The dental implant is an artificial tooth root that your dental surgeon permanently anchors into your jaw’s bone. He then uses this as a platform to house your false tooth/teeth.

Dental implants can be an option to replace one tooth or many teeth. You may have heard terms like “All on 4” or “All on 6”, this is where a dentist will replace an entire set of teeth using 4-6 dental implants. It’s also possible to replace a single missing tooth with one dental implant.

Dental implants are the preferred choice for many when it comes to how they decide to replace missing teeth. Some of the reasons why they’re an ideal solution include: 

  • Your dental implant looks and functions like a natural tooth. You can eat and drink any food with a dental implant. Your speech is unaffected, and cleaning and caring for dental implants is as simple as maintaining your usual oral health routine of brushing and flossing. 
  • Dental implants are durable. While there are no guarantees, many patients who choose dental implants vs dentures find that their dental implants last their lifetime. 
  • Dental implants age well. Some false tooth solutions become less realistic looking as the years go by, but your dental implant should generally remain natural looking. 


Of course, there are some other considerations to consider: pros cons dental implant vs dentures sydney

  • Even if your dentist uses the most modern digital dentistry equipment and techniques, dental implants require surgery. All surgical procedures involve risk, and not every patient is a candidate for the operation. 
  • Significant healing time is required between dental implant procedures because the dental implant needs to fuse with your jawbone before it can support a crown (false tooth). The “healing” is not as simple as waiting until the surgical site feels better. 
  • Some patients need additional surgeries or procedures before the actual dental implants process can commence. These can include bone grafts or sinus work and will vary between patients. 
  • Dental implants do carry a higher cost than other popular ways to replace missing teeth. Health insurance rebates will vary, though several payment plan options are available that can help you pay your surgery off in instalments. 


Dentures: What are the pros and cons? 

Denture technology has come a long way in recent years. They are a viable and affordable option for people looking to replace missing teeth.

Some of the reasons people choose dentures include: 

  • Unlike dental implants, dentures can generally be provided for people no matter the condition of their jaws and gums. 
  • There’s no surgery required for dentures. If you still have some of your original teeth, though, your dentist will need to remove them, and you still need to go through a consultation process to have them custom made for your mouth. 
  • Dentures will change the shape of your face – our jaw and mouth will sag without teeth – but function well from an aesthetic perspective once in place. 
  • Denture care is easier than ever. You generally only need to rinse them after eating and store them in cool water when they’re not in your mouth. 
  • Dentures are the most affordable way to replace a complete set of teeth. 


Reasons people may be more inclined to choose dental implants vs dentures include: 

  • Dentures do not last forever; a decade is generally the longest you’ll get out of a set. Some patients also complain that their dentures look less realistic as the time to replace them approaches. 
  • Dentures can become loose or make clicking and clacking noises which makes some wearers uncomfortable or self-conscious. 
  • Food can get stuck under dentures, and you are limited in some of the types of food and drink you can enjoy.
  • Your bite and chewing abilities with dentures are different from natural teeth or realistic replacements like dental implants.


Dental implant vs dentures: Can you even choose?

It’s important to discuss your options with your dentist as part of your decision. It can be a simple conversation during your routine check-up and clean or a consultation specifically to explore your tooth replacement options.

For some people, the choice is made for them. Not everyone has the bone density or ability to recover from multiple surgeries to have a dental implant. This is why Digital Dental Surgery Sydney and Digital Dental Implant Institute offer a complimentary dental implant consultation. You can get all the facts to help make an informed choice about the best way for you to replace your missing teeth

Are you considering a dental implant vs dentures? You can discuss options to replace missing teeth at an obligation free complimentary consultation with our experienced team of dental surgeons. Contact us today.

Sydney: (02) 8294 5812
Gosford: (02) 8294 8656



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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